Source code for PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type

# Copyright (c) 2021 Phoenix Contact. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

from PyPlcnextRsc.common.types import RscTpIntEnum

[docs]class RscType(RscTpIntEnum): """Datatypes supported by Rsc.""" Null = 0, """No data type set""" End = 255 """End of stream (EOS)""" Void = 1 """void or null object""" Bool = 2 """bool type""" Char = 3 """16 bit character""" Int8 = 4 """signed 8 bit integer (I1)""" Uint8 = 5 """unsigned 8 bit integer (U1)""" Int16 = 6 """signed 16 bit integer (I2)""" Uint16 = 7 """unsigned 16 bit integer (U2)""" Int32 = 8 """signed 32 bit integer (I4)""" Uint32 = 9 """unsigned 32 bit integer (U4)""" Int64 = 10 """signed 64 bit integer (I8)""" Uint64 = 11 """unsigned 64 bit integer (U8)""" Real32 = 12 """32 bit floating point number (R4)""" Real64 = 13 """64 bit floating point number (R8)""" Struct = 18 """Complex datatype""" Utf8String = 19 """Utf-8 string""" String = 14 """String with undefined format. Deprecated with remoting version 4 used by common.In common context with at least remoting version 4 RscType String is mapped to Utf8String""" Array = 20 """Array type""" Datetime = 23 """Datetime""" Version = 24 """Version""" Guid = 25 """Universal unique ID""" AnsiString = 26 """Ansi string, not implemented in common context""" Object = 28 """Object type handled by common as :py:class:`~PyPlcnextRsc.common.objects.rsc_variant.RscVariant`""" Utf16String = 30 """Utf-16 string, not implemented in common context""" Stream = 34 """Stream type to marshal large data packets""" Enumerator = 35 """Enumerator type""" SecureString = 36 """String for security context""" Enum = 37 """Enum type""" Dictionary = 38 """Dictionary type""" SecurityToken = 39 """Security token needed for security Services""" Exception = 40 """Exception""" IecTime = 41 """IEC type: TIME [int32]""" IecTime64 = 42 """IEC type: LTIME [int64]""" IecDate = 43 """IEC type: DATE [N/A]""" IecDate64 = 44 """IEC type: LDATE [int64]""" IecDateTime = 45 """IEC type: DATE_AND_TIME, DT [N/A]""" IecDateTime64 = 46 """IEC type: LDATE_AND_TIME, LDT [int64]""" IecTimeOfDay = 47 """IEC type: TIME_OF_DAY, TOD [N/A]""" IecTimeOfDay64 = 48 """IEC type: LTIME_OF_DAY, LTOD [int64]"""
[docs]class IecType: """ Concrete annotation for *IEC61131* data space this is just a helper map from *IEC61131* data type to :py:class:`~PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType` """ Null = RscType.Null """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Null`""" TIME = RscType.IecTime """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.IecTime`""" LTIME = RscType.IecTime64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.IecTime64`""" LDATE = RscType.IecDate64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.IecDate64`""" LDATE_AND_TIME = RscType.IecDateTime64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.IecDateTime64`""" LTIME_OF_DAY = RscType.IecTimeOfDay64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.IecTimeOfDay64`""" BOOL = RscType.Bool """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Bool`""" STRING = RscType.Utf8String """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Utf8String`""" LREAL = RscType.Real64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Real64`""" REAL = RscType.Real32 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Real32`""" LWORD = RscType.Uint64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint64`""" DWORD = RscType.Uint32 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint32`""" WORD = RscType.Uint16 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint16`""" BYTE = RscType.Uint8 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint8`""" LINT = RscType.Int64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Int64`""" DINT = RscType.Int32 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Int32`""" INT = RscType.Int16 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Int16`""" SINT = RscType.Int8 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Int8`""" ULINT = RscType.Uint64 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint64`""" UDINT = RscType.Uint32 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint32`""" UINT = RscType.Uint16 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint16`""" USINT = RscType.Uint8 """Mapped to :py:const:`PyPlcnextRsc.common.tag_type.RscType.Uint8`"""